Offaly Sports Partnership Fit School Monitor.
Just before the summer holidays last year we participated in Fit School Monitor research being done by Offaly Sports Partnership. Its aim was to establish the fitness levels of children across the county. This information will be used in long term planning to improve youth fitness within our county. Close to 5,000 pupils were tested over the past two years and our 2nd - 6th Classes were scored for a 60m speed test sprint and a 1 min sustained distance run. Each classes performance was compared against other children their age in the county. Their class was ranked against the same class across the county and individual pupil scores were collected. This is how we got on...
First here are the class and individual results...
60m Speed Test Sprint
Here are the individual scores for the children who got the fastest times in the 60m sprint in the school. The table below will give you an indication of what percentile they fall into.
1 Minute Sustained Distance Run
Here are the individual scores for the children got the furthest in the 1 minute distance challenge in the school. The table below will give you an indication of what percentile they fall into.